1. Quality check done right
Spermosens test sperm the way nature intended to select them for fertilization.
Spermosens’ sensing device employs sperm-specific receptor proteins of oocyte origin coupled to a metal electrode. When sperms are added to the device, the proteins capture the sperms and induce biochemical reactions.
The binding and biochemical response is then analyzed through an electrical circuit. The resulting electrochemical signals are footprints of sperm health that help determine the underlying cause of infertility and the ideal IVF treatment for the couple.
Spermosens test sperm the way nature intended to select them for fertilization.
The platform exploits the power of biotechnology and electrochemistry to miniaturize the assay for adaptation in all settings.
Your ideal partner in Assisted Reproductive Treatment, Spermosens, helps your doctor decide the best path of action. It will help reduce the number of ART cycles and associated adverse effects and cut down on the oocytes required for successful fertlization.
The existing commercial methods to diagnose male infertility and check sperm quality look into the physical aspects of the sperm while overlooking the biochemical interaction necessary for the fertilization event.
A method to assess fertility potential and identify the best assisted reproductive technology (ART) on a scientifically sound basis.
An effective and easy-to-use device with rapid and easily interpretable results.
Precise, more affordable, and standardized ART process. Current practices reflect variable approaches by medical professionals to increase the chances of fertilization.